Want 57 ways to lower your anxiety... in 60 seconds... so you can take back control of your life?

Click below to grab the The One Minute Anxiety Solution.

"This has helped my anxiety in a way that no one else has been able to in over 30 years.

Overall now, I have what you might call a background little happy hum of 'nothing bad is happening to me right now.' " 

J. FitzGerald,
Hamilton, New Zealand

"I bought this Ebook. It is a great toolkit, and when my anxiety 

goes through the roof, there is always something that works." 

Highly recommended!"

Andy Carr
Bristol, Leeds, UK

Here's everything you get:

The One Minute Anxiety Solution book with 57 ways to lower anxiety     Value: $37

The One Quick Win Over Anxiety Challenge with 5 videos        Value: $159

How to Fall Asleep (or Get Back to Sleep) Faster             Value: $49

 A Simple Solution to Worrying & Overthinking                Value: $49 

 How to Create a "Calm Word" that Brings You Inner Peace       Value: $49  

And it comes with a lifetime moneyback guarantee!

Watch this for a peek inside the book. (Click below to play with sound.)


"It only takes a couple of minutes to discover techniques that lower your anxiety for the rest of your life.  

The first method I tried stops my worrying and overthinking whenever I use it. That alone was worth 100 times more than the low cost of the book and videos.

Sharon Davis,
Arlington, VA, USA

What if...the next time anxiety hits...

...You could quickly melt away your uncomfortable feelings, sensations & worries by using your body's built-in "relaxation software" to become truly calm?

Believe it or not, you can!

The proven techniques I'm about to share lower anxiety surprisingly fast no matter how stressed you are.

They're like pushing a button & getting a massage for your mind, body &  nervous system any time you want.

I call them my One Minute Anxiety Solutions.

And these soothing  physical movements, hypnosis techniques, breathwork practices and more will bring you fast anxiety relief....even if nothing has worked for you before.
I share 57 of them in my Ebook, The One Minute Anxiety Solution

And since I've helped hundreds of clients with different kinds of anxiety and different symptoms... 

...I created specific solutions to shut off each type of anxiety or symptom my clients have experienced.

That's why my One Minute Anxiety Solutions will help you:

Move anxious tension out of your body and regain the inner peace you crave with the Hypnotic Underwear Technique (p. 40). 

Relax (& fall asleep!) like a pro with the Skeleton Vacation (p. 38). You won't believe how much more rested & productive you'll feel.

Stop panic attacks with the Hypnotic Perfume Trick (p. 36) and your own Serenity Key (p. 55). Regain the control of your body you deserve—the minute you need to.

Say goodbye to social anxiety with Releasing Poison Apples (p. 55). Now you can have the social life & self-confidence you're entitled to.

Let go of excessive worry with solutions like the Brain Wash (p. 62). You'll be able to relax and focus on what's happening in the moment, which is what matters most.

And much, much more.

With 57 techniques to choose from, everyone has their own favorite "One Minute Anxiety Solutions." 

When you pick your favorites you'll have the tools & confidence to turn off anxiety any time you need to.

Click below to get back to the life you deserve right now.

Let me explain why my methods are so effective.

The reason is that they engage with your nervous system, your brain and body in ways that automatically:

  Provide a sense of safety and social connection.

  Slow your brainwaves from their speedy "anxiety pace" ...to the slow tempo you enjoy during deep, dreamless sleep.

  Tell your brain that you are safe and to shut off your anxiety symptoms—which it does.

That's why they are so powerful at reducing the physical & mental symptoms of  anxiety.
Hi, I’m Mahesh Grossman, a certified clinical hypnotherapist (CCHt).

I've used hypnotherapy to help 100s of my clients overcome anxiety and childhood trauma.

Plus I've been quoted on WebMd, VeryWell Mind & several other websites.
The highlights of my training include somatic psychology, psychodrama, NLP, shamanic practices and more. 

Most important of all, though, is that I’ve overcome my own debilitating anxiety… 

 ...Which was so bad that it cost me jobs and tens of thousands of dollars worth of business.

Once I learned how the brain functions when it's anxious...

I realized that the breathing technques, visualizations and physical movements I use to help my clients relax before a hypnosis session... 

...Might also lower MY anxiety.

I closed my eyes—in the middle of coffee shop—and gave one a shot right there. 

It worked... in about a minute.

Since then, I developed dozens of ways to successfully lower or shut off anxiety for me and my clients.
And because they're so life-changing... and yet simple to learn... 

I put all 57 of my One Minute Anxiety Solutions together in the Ebook you see here. 

These are the ones that have had the greatest success for my clients. 

When you read it, you'll feel as though you're sitting across from me in my office... 

...While I guide you from anxiety to inner peace.


“I’d been waking up feeling really anxious for years. The One Minute Anxiety Solutions helped tremendously in reducing my morning anxiety. I also started sleeping better at night.”  

Marc Korchin
El Cerrito, CA
Relieve Your Physical Anxiety Symptoms, Too
Since I also specialize in hypnosis for pain management... 

I've created solutions that lower or eliminate the physical symptoms that come with anxiety.

In The One Minute Anxiety Solution, you'll find new, effective ways to:

Stop hyperventilation. Quickly return your breathing to its normal state when you practice Airplane Breaths (p. 22), or the Fist Bump (p. 23) & any of the other Breathing Solutions (p. 19-23).

Relieve chest pain, or any other pain in your body. With both the Serenity Transplant (p. 66) and Foam Balls (p. 68), you’ll get rid of the physical discomfort anxiety causes you. 

Overcome Dizziness. Get your world to stand still again when you utilize techniques like the Space Suit (p. 70) and the Helmet (p. 68). 

Calm Down Heart Palpitations. Whether you have a fast-beating, fluttering or pounding heart, The Pink Sand Method (p. 33) and the Breathing Solutions (p. 19-23)  will calm it down. 

Alleviate Nausea & Digestive Problems. Your stomach will feel safe, comfortable and protected when put on an imaginary Plexiglass Girdle (p. 67). But almost all of the solutions will calm your belly. 


"My anxiety was really bad and caused digestive problems that made me drop out of college. Thanks to the One Minute Anxiety Solutions, I'm back in school again without any fear that my anxiety will come back."  

Brennen M.
Fresno, CA
Start Doing What Anxiety Stops You From
Your ultimate goal for overcoming anxiety is not to just lower your symptoms... 

...But to live your life free of its effects. 

When you utilize my One Minute Anxiety Solutions… 

You'll have a much easier time taking the actions anxiety has been stopping you from. 

And when you take these actions instead of avoiding them… 

Your brain learns to permanently shut off your anxiety symptoms (for these situations) for good. 

You can repeat this process for any situation that makes you anxious... 

...Until you’ve permanently shut off your anxiety for all of them.

Here's What People are Saying About the
One Minute Anxiety Solutions:


 “The techniques have really helped me. I've had a lot of anxiety, heavy feeling in my chest, a lot weighing on me. And now I'm a lot lighter, a lot happier. I've gotten a lot of relief from anxiety from this.”

Shannon B.
San Jose, CA


“If I feel anxiety and then I just do the Firehose, stuff comes out and sometimes it's only five seconds or 10 seconds. Every, every single time, it's released something or moved something out. It's very cool.” 

Mike Samboy
Castro Valley, CA


“One technique ended my constant anxiety & worrying about my business. Another helped me sleep better consistently since I first used it."

Vivien Young
Alameda, CA
 Buy  It Today And You'll Get 4 Additional Video Programs (Worth More Than $300) for Free
Since people with anxiety often have difficulty making decisions... 

...And because I know The One Minute Anxiety Solution will make such a big transformation in your life... 

...I’ve decided to give you even more value for your money. 

So if you grab it right now, I’ll add in more than $300 worth of video courses for FREE. 

Here’s what you'll get:
Bonus #1: The “One Quick Win Over Anxiety” 5-Day Challenge,  ($159 Value, Yours for Free)
My One Quick Win Over Anxiety Challenge will help you build little victories... 

...Into the ultimate anxiety-free triumphs you desire.
Though it's worth almost 10 times what I'm charging for the Ebook, I'm including it here for free.  

Pick something small anxiety is stopping you from... then use my Anxiety Challenge to get rid of your anxiety for that item, for good.

Then repeat the process for the big things  anxiety blocks in your life.

You get 5 videos (plus transcripts) that are about 15 minutes long, plus 5 minutes worth of homework for each of the first four trainings. 

By the time you finish the 4th training, you'll have a quick victory over something anxiety used to stop you from.
Bonus #2: How to Fall Asleep (or Get Back to Sleep) Faster, ($49 Value, Yours for Free)
Tired of being too anxious to sleep? 

You'll get the rest you deserve when you learn my 3 most popular sleep hypnosis techniques .

Wake up with the energy to feel good all day... & be as productive as you want to be. 
Bonus #3: A Simple Solution to Worrying & Overthinking, ($49 Value, Yours for Free)

What if you could create a magic word that instantly lowers your anxiety? Neuroscience says you can. 

In this video, I share a 100-year old hypnosis technique that also stops  panic attacks... & gets rid of the fear of anxiety.  
Bonus #4: How to Create a "Calm Word" that Brings You Inner Peace, ($49 Value, Yours for Free)

Stop overthinking & feel calm again. 

Learn 3 soothing ways to quickly go from worry to peace in moments. 

Clients say these methods are more relaxing than the best massage they've ever had.

 Let Me Take All the Risk: Try "The One Minute Anxiety Solution" & the Videos. If They're Not for You, I'll Give You the World's Easiest Refund, Any Time You Ask
Here's my anxiety-free LIFETIME 
100% Moneyback No-Questions-Asked Guarantee:  

Try The One Minute Anxiety Solution and the bonuses.

If you don't want them for any reason, at any time, just say so by replying to one of my emails. Or email me at: hello(at)joyinoneminute.com.

You'll get back every penny you paid. No questions asked.
To Sum Up, Here’s Everything You Get When You Invest in the One Minute Anxiety Solution:

The One Minute Anxiety Solution with 57 ways to lower anxiety    Value:  $37

The One Quick Win Over Anxiety Challenge with             Value: $159

How to Fall Asleep (or Get Back to Sleep) Fasterzzz        Value$49

 A Simple Solution to Worrying & Overthinking              Value:  $49 

 How to Create a "Calm Word" that Brings You Inner Peace     Value: $49  

Total Value $343. Grab It All Right Now for Just $27 

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Usually $29, Only $9 Today

Lose Weight, Stop Smoking, or Break Any Other Habit . . . Faster & Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible with my Hypnotic Control Room audio. Hypnotists charge 100s of dollars to help clients learn & employ this tool. But now you can regain your self-control with this recording for just $9. Grab it now!

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*The content in this book and the videos that come with it are not counseling advice nor a substitute for individual therapy. The content is for information purposes only. The information provided is not intended to be used as a replacement for medical and mental health advice. Follow the advice of your licensed mental health professional.

For customer service,, contact hello@joyinoneminute.com