Instead of dealing with your anxiety one episode at a time...

Just lowering your anxiety... 

is like what happens when a kid wins a prize in a cereal box.

Though they may enjoy it for a moment, it doesn't keep them happy for long.  

It's just like the short-lived serenity WE get from our anxiety relief techniques.

You know what's a better long-term solution than just lowering your anxiety?

Getting rid of it for good. 

But how do you do that?

After helping thousands of people... 

I've discovered it starts with finding the answer to one simple question: 

Why do I have anxiety in the first place? 

This is important, because we all have negative experiences and voices from our past that still run us... whether we know it or not.

These events are the real reason we have anxiety.

But when you free yourself from the conflicts and emotions and old stories that were created by these experiences...

And return to the original sense of safety and self-love you were born with... 

Your anxiety goes away for good.

This is what the Defy Trauma process can do for you... and it works faster than anything else you've ever tried.

And the Defy Trauma process isn't just amazing for healing anxiety.

It also lets us find and heal the underlying reason we have depression ot PTSD or can't stop people pleasing . 

Plus it helps us overcome the habits we use to stuff our anxiety down, like overeating, drinking or getting high, and even our addiction to adult videos.

It's such a powerful healing framework that you can use it for almost anything that bothers you.

Here's what happened to Mike Samboy when he started to use the Defy Trauma process:



"Before I used these techniques, I was struggling with a lot of things that I didn't necessarily know were related. 

I was drinking a lot. I was eating a lot. I was not sleeping very well at all. And just a perpetual state of stress. 

But very soon after trying the techniques, I noticed that things started releasing from me. 

I wasn't as stressed. I stopped drinking. I have much better control over my cravings for food and I was sleeping a lot better.

I also received a promotion at work. 
I had a newfound ability to communicate my needs and I was able to set some boundaries. 

And I was unable to do that prior to doing the work in these techniques."

Mike Samboy, Castro Valley, CA, USA
And Mahesh Kumar, (not me, another Mahesh) got the results he wanted the first week he tried it:


"I've started working with the Defy Trauma techniques, and it brought in like phenomenal change in my anxiety and trauma. 

I feel the difference in such a short time. 

Whenever I used to visit my partner I used to have this anxious feeling and fear all the time, that I would lose a person. It was unfounded, but it always existed, for almost two years actually. 

So that made my relationship very difficult. 

Once I started working with the Defy Trauma techniques just for a week, I saw a different level of confidence in myself. I don't have that fear anymore." 

Mahesh Kumar, Pleasanton, CA USA

Here are some more stellar results:

Andrea got over a fear of needles that left her with uncontrollable diabetes. After she found and healed the root cause of her fear in just one practice session, she not only gained control of her diabetes, she also lost 160 pounds

Susan healed from a 20 year depression… that started when her husband was murdered at his office. In fact, the Defy Trauma process lifted her depression so completely that the next time her son had dinner with her, he said Susan was so different that he barely recognized her. 

Mike also got over his fear of touch so that he could give his wife the affection she deserved. You can actually see the session where he does this in the Defy Trauma program.

My process consistently gets “off-the-chart” results for my clients—sometimes in just one practice session.

And in the next 45 days, this tool can bring you more positive change than most people experience from a year’s worth of therapy.
These are the 5 Steps of the
Defy Trauma Process:

The first step is the RECONNECT Step, which allows you find the original story and cause behind your anxiety in 3 minutes. You'll be led from the tension you feel in your body right now... to a past event that still bothers you.

The second step is the RELEASE Step, which uses gentle visualizations to give you the full release from the emotions and tension you reconnected to in Step 1.

The third step is the REINSTATE Step, which is the process of finding and erasing the negative self-beliefs that were etched into your brain by the people who hurt you. You’ll step into a new positive self-image and story of yourself that make it seem as if your past difficult experiences never actually happened.

The fourth step is the Refill Step, which is a way to return to the natural joy, self-love and sense of safety you felt prior to your earliest trauma. It unsquashes the parts of you that you weren’t aware you repressed. You'll experience the freedom, spontaneity and lack of self-consciousness that happy toddlers have.

The fifth step is the Remove Step. It’s a process we can use during any of the other steps that lets us remove any resistance we have to breaking free of our old mental patterns. This leads to some of the most powerful shifts in the Defy Trauma process

That's why you should be the next one to try it.


"In 3 sessions with Mahesh I have gone further... than in 20 years of psychoanalysis.”  Mark L., San Francisco, CA, USA


“It was really awesome. Very unexpected. It was so much lighter than I expected it to be. And I was grateful that it wasn't something heavy.”  

Presence Tarika Brandt
Los Angeles, CA

Hi, I’m Mahesh Grossman, a CCHt (certified clinical hypnotherapist) who's used somatic hypnotherapy to help hundreds of my clients make life better by healing the childhood trauma that kept them from living how they wanted.

My training in psychological methods includes Internal Family Systems, EMDR, somatic psychology & psychodrama. 

Plus I have schooling in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) & shamanic practices. 

I've been quoted on WebMd, Verywell Mind and Bustle as well as several other websites.

Most important of all, though, is the fact that...

I have healed my own trauma and CPTSD using the same 5-Step Defy Trauma Process I will be teaching to you.  

So not only did I create it, but I know first-hand what a profound transformation it can bring you.

My clients tell me the 5-Step Defy Trauma Process is a beautiful thing to experience and that it creates AHA moments faster and more frequently than any therapy they’ve ever tried. 

Plus they say it’s easy to practice it on their own, at home. 

And because it’s so effective–I’ve created a program where you can learn this process for yourself.
Introducing: The Defy Trauma program
The DEFY TRAUMA program is an online program that gives you my entire 5-Step Trauma Detox Process. 

This process helps you detoxify and repair your unhealed wounds from childhood so you can make your life work in the areas that matter the most to you.  

It consists of 26 power-packed videos, most of which are 6 -15 minutes in length. 

Every program video comes with a transcript. 

Plus there’s a worksheet for each step of the 5-Step Defy Trauma Process.

You can use these each time you practice, until you know this process so well you don’t need them. 

In addition, for every step there are three short case study videos, where you watch me perform that step with a client.

This makes it even easier for you to understand how to use this process for yourself. 
The DEFY TRAUMA program is for you if you’re dissatisfied with part of your life—especially if one or more of the following applies to you:

You can’t seem to make things work the way you want to in either your relationships, work, finances or health. 

You avoid negative feelings by overeating, drinking or using other substances; or you are troubled by your sexual behavior, gambling, shopping, or addiction to love or a person. 

You feel triggered, upset, or angry more often than you’d like to.

You’re not living up to your potential because you procrastinate so much, and it’s affecting your career or your home life. 

You’re dealing with chronic anxiety, depression or health issues.

If even one of the sentences above is true for you, this program will be a godsend. 

And it doesn’t matter whether you currently remember any childhood wounds or not. 
However, the DEFY TRAUMA program is not for you if:

You have severe mental disorders like schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder or dissociative identity disorder (DID) 

You consistently feel dissociated from your body or you constantly experience derealization or depersonalization. (It's okay if it's occasional.)

You are the type of person who will be bothered by videos that aren’t nearly as perfect as the ones on HBO.

But, if none of the statements above describe you, the DEFY TRAUMA program will bring about big changes for you. 

It will help you continually improve your life in all the areas that matter to you. 

And since I want you to have the same type of success my other customers have had, I have a special offer for you.
Here's What More People Say About the
Results They’ve Achieved With My 5-Step Process

"Hi, I'm Gavin and I've been working with these techniques. 

I had a lot of self-doubt, a lot of just negative thinking habits. 

It was very easy for me to get into a depressive mode where I would feel somehow good about beating up on myself, thinking about negative future possibilities and just feeling very thwarted. 

I started working with these techniques and it's very strange to find this sense of joyfulness, that is not just possible, but it seems more inherently me, more true to me, and more simple as well.

And just more full. 

So I'm very thankful, for these techniques."

Gavin Wittje, Madison, WI

"Hi, I'm Daniel. And I've been working with Mahesh's techniques and they've been really helpful. 

The more I went deeper into my feelings, the more I felt healed and much more sure of myself and confident when I'm under pressure. 

I highly recommend it."

Daniel Nezis, London, United Kingdom



"I was aware of difficult childhood experiences, but didn’t know how to heal from them until I learned the 5-Step Defy Trauma Process from this program. 

I also learned how to see & heal the effects of my trauma on my present-day romantic relationships. 

These methods continue to be an important part of my inner work.“

Nick Benz
Portland, OR


"I was a diabetic who had to test four times a day & give myself shots 4x a day as well. 

Unfortunately, I had a fear of needles. I was also scared of pricking my finger to draw blood. 

I felt doomed. I didn’t follow my doctors’ instructions & ended up having uncontrollable diabetes. 

 By using the methods in this program, I was able to find the root cause of my fear & heal it, as well as to develop a plan that I immediately put to use to successfully test & take my shots."

Andrea B.
Phoenix, AZ



"These teachings helped me break free from emotional pain I'd been carrying since childhood & to change a behavior I'd been struggling with for a long time. 

I now have tools to deal with whatever difficulties show up in my life."

Chris Johnson
Garden Valley, CA
Plus, When You Buy the DEFY TRAUMA Program Today, You'll Get These FREE Bonuses:
Bonus #1: A Behind the Scenes Look at 4 Defy Trauma Sessions ($197 Value, Yours for Free)
Get a behind-the-scenes look as I take 3 clients through the entire 5-Step Defy Trauma Process.  

This speeds up your learning curve & makes it easier to heal  core wounds that stop you from having the life you want. 

These sneak peeks inside my trauma detox sessions will add to your skill... & motivate you to use these methods again & again.
Bonus #2: Daily Trauma Release Practice 
($49 Value, Yours for Free)
Clients call my Daily Trauma Release Practice “life-changing.” 

It’s a quick way to siphon off the leftover emotions from your past. 

Use it to free yourself from feeling upset, depressed, or anxious. 

The more you do it, the less often you’ll find you’re triggered by what happens to you.
Bonus #3: How to Muscle Test Your Emotions 
($49 Value, Yours for Free)
Receive yes or no answers from your subconscious mind through the muscles in your hands. y

This video workshop makes it even easier to get the answers you seek with the program.

Plus it will work anytime you want to gain a better understanding of what's going on with you underneath the surface.
Bonus #4: Update Your Inner Software 
($99 Value, Yours for Free)
Instantly take your inner life—and your outer life—to a higher level. 

How? Update the inner software that may have kept you safe as a child, but doesn't serve you now. 

This hypnosis process is a real eye-opener & will bring about big changes.  You'll love the new you.
Let Me Take All the Risk with My Lifetime, No Questions Asked, Money Back Guarantee
Try the DEFY TRAUMA program & decide if it's for you. 

If it's not, reply to our emails or email us at: 

We will pay you back every penny. 

You can even keep the videos and worksheets from the program on our dime.

We're doing this because we know how valuable this process will be for you... and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to try it out. 
  • 1. How do I know it’s safe for me to do this work... and that I won’t be re-traumatized?
    As mentioned above, this work is about releasing the leftover emotional energy that’s still in your body now, and not the story of what happened. So you won’t actually spend time thinking about or re-experiencing those events.

    The work is to release that pain and the negative self-beliefs that came about because of what happened. That’s a right-now activity, and a far cry from attempting to relive them.

    This is completely safe and both faster and a more effective way to heal the real problem, which is in the pain you carry in the present.
  • 2. Will the DEFY TRAUMA program help me if I don’t think I have trauma - but I know certain areas of my life don’t work?
    Some people may be put off by the word trauma because they think that it has to involve abuse or neglect-- but that’s not what I mean by trauma here. To me, any wound from childhood that still affects us as adults is a trauma we need to detox from our systems. Trauma could be as simple as needing to get good grades in order to get the attention we crave from our parents - or feeling like we’re the parent instead of the child in our relationship with our mom or dad.
    Everyone has something like that!
    And if there’s a pattern in our relationships, work, finances, health or habits that always messes us up, the cause is always a childhood wound, whether we are aware of it or not. Whether you call it trauma or not is up to you.
  • 3. How long do I have access to the program videos for?
    You can have them forever—they are downloadable.
To Sum Up, Here’s Everything You Get When
You Invest in the DEFY TRAUMA program:

The DEFY TRAUMA program, which consists of 25 Videos      Value: $399 

15 Case Study Videos (3 for each of 5 steps)               Value: $149 

A Behind the Scenes Look at 4 Defy Trauma Sessions         Value: $199 

 A Daily Trauma Release Practice                   Value:   $49 

 How to Muscle Test Your Emotions                 Value:   $49 

 Update Your Inner Software                                   Value:   $99 

Total Value $944. Yours Today for Just $67
The DEFY TRAUMA program will provide you with a process you can use for the rest of your life. 

It will work whenever you feel triggered, self-critical, anxious or depressed. 

This process will bring back your natural self-worth, sense of safety, confidence and ambition... to where they were before any difficulties happened to you. 

And it will deliver you the satisfaction you deserve in the areas of your life that are currently disappointing you. 

My clients have spent $4000 or more to learn the same method I’ll be teaching you in this program for 98% less than that. 

Any other program with this many videos and bonuses sells for $500 to $1000. 

But because anxiety is everywhere these days, I'm offering a special discount price of just $199.  

Imagine what it will feel like when your friends mention that YOU seem happier... 

...That you seem more confident and grounded than you ever were before. 

Or that they love how well your relationship is working or that you’re more fulfilled at work. 

And you’ll just smile to yourself, because you’ll know it’s true. 

So, please take advantage of these savings. 

As I've mentioned, this lowest price is only available for a limited time.

Fill out the form below and you'll receive access to the DEFY TRAUMA program right away.

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

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Defy Trauma$67

  • Total payment
  • 1xDefy Trauma$67

All prices in USD